Friday, February 21, 2020

Child Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Child Education - Assignment Example This paper describes in any human being, there are several stages that he passes through, that is, there are several stages in between the Conception and death of a person. Development of a human being is usually divided into several life aspects that includes; emotional, physical, social as well as cognitive development. This essay analyzes the behavior of Zayaan This paper comes to the conclusion that the biggest issue facing the teachers is children’s education. Teachers as well as the children’s parents need not only think but also care for the needs of the children. In the light of this case involving Zayaan, it is evident that the development of a child in a positive way is dictated by the way the people close to him relate with him. If they can not relate with him, then most of the stages of a child development will just go unnoticed and as such, that child will tend to develop an aspect of redundancy. At such tender age like of that of Zayaan, it is suitable that the child is close monitored to detect any deviation from the normal development and thereby correcting the child. The kind of behaviour that this child show poses as a great concern and therefore, it necessitates an intervention. The parents and the teacher should enter into a new mode of interactions with the child so that he can feel he is loved and hence a se nse of belonging. What this child needs is response of the care giver by ensuring that they enter into a new mode in regards to interactions with the child. As such, the child will tend to realize that the situation is a constraint and thereby striving to overcome it (Oakley, 2004). Review of the Literature Early childhood can be said to include a set of; principles, concepts as well as facts. As such, they not only tend to explain and describe the process involved in the transformation of immaturity aspect to the maturity status and functioning but also account for them (Katz, 1996). Development is usually divided into several stages, which include; Physical, social, emotional, cognitive and social developments (Berk, 2000). Bredecamp and Copple claims that, at the age of 6-10 years, a child is usually characterized by gross motor developments occurring in a rapid manner (1997). As such, he is able to reason in a great way, he is able to solve questions, and the fact that he is abl e to assimilate shows a cognitive development. The vocabulary of the child also increases rapidly. Moreover, his written communication capabilities also develop. In the social aspect, the child starts understanding the perspectives of other people and further, he becomes conscious of fairness and therefore tries to monitor his own behavioural attributes. Influences of Early Childhood Development The practices that enhance the development of a child are mostly influenced by theories addressing child development. According to Berk (2000), a theory is a set of statements, which are integrated and which tend to describe, predict or explain behaviour. A child’s development is a kind of a social constructivism (vygotsky, 1896-1934). He further asserted that a child development is mostly determined by the prevailing culture. According to Berk & Winsler (1995), a certain number of tenets exist in social constructivism. As such, these tenets are usually unique. Practices According to Katz, child development theory knowledge is ideal in guiding educational practices (1996, p. 136). Scott & Bowman, assert that theories addressing child development are essential since they assist a researcher as well as teachers to guide their observations (1997, p. 170). Teaching to Enhance Development and Learning According to Buchanan et al. (2003), the teaching young children should comprise of giving children an opportunity for choice, promoting collaborative attitude in children and use of a variety of strategies for teaching among others. In a study conducted by McCormic and colleagues it was found that the provision of choice in selection of learning materials and activities were essential as they aided in performance of a child. Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families The indicators used n assessing the involvement of a family in serving the young

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Conversation between Vaclav Havel, Thomas Hobbes and John Lock on Essay

A Conversation between Vaclav Havel, Thomas Hobbes and John Lock on the Idea of Liberty - Essay Example That these inalienable rights come from god but at the same time destroy him. HAVEL: not necessarily destroy him, but at least to change our view of what he is. That is what I mean by talking about the Anthropic Cosmological Principal. HOBBES: Ah yes, the idea that the universe . . . . What is that word you used HAVEL: Evolved. HOBBES: And I assume from the context that it means how the universe came about - you are suggesting that it developed over time HAVEL: Exactly. HOBBES; The Bible says it was created in seven days. LOCKE: Or rather seven units of time - we are not entirely sure of the translation, surely you know that. HOBBES: But the Bible is infallible . . . HAVEL: Gentlemen, gentlemen, it is difficult enough to talk about politics on its won, with getting into the territory of politics and religion. (All three men laugh) HOBBES: But seriously, your whole speech seemed to be heading in that direction. The idea of this self-transcendence - that all human beings are somehow linked to the universe by being reflected in it. The idea that of all the possible universes that God might have created, He chose this one . . . LOCKE: Or evolved, I like the idea of that. I must read more about it. HOBBES: Evolved then. That this one evolved rather than all the . . . LOCKE: I feel, thinking about it, that the two are not mutually exclusive. HOBBES: Meaning LOCKE: This Enlightenment that I am said to have created in England, it was based upon the idea of science, that things could be explained but that did not necessarily suggest that God does not exist. It merely showed how wonderful His universe is. HAVEL: That's exactly the point. It doesn't really matter whether God exists or not . . . HOBBES; I must protest. HAVEL: All that matters is that we are anchored on.... . LOCKE: This Enlightenment that I am said to have created in England, it was based upon the idea of science, that things could be explained but that did not necessarily suggest that God does not exist. It merely showed how wonderful His universe is. HAVEL: True. This photograph, it was published in newspapers all over the world and showed people how very small the world is, how we are lost in the blackness of space and how we should stop our present course of constant wars. HOBBES: Of course not: the individual will look at this photograph and then forget about it in the next moment. Most people are only concerned with their immediate life: their family, friends, job, getting food on the table. They don't have the time for this kind of thing. HOBBES: Exactly. And at the end of your speech you said (taking a copy of it from his pocket) "yes, the only real hope of people today is probably a renewal of our certainty that we are rooted in the earth and, at the same time, in the cosmos." I think that seems to say that your modern philosopher was right when he said, "only a God can save us now."