Thursday, December 26, 2019

Love In Short Story - 1030 Words

Love is a strong emotion experienced by people across all spectrums of life everyday. Love comes naturally to human nature, whether it be the platonic love of family and friends or the romantic love of your partner. Historically, the importance of love to all people is evidenced by the fact that it is a common theme throughout all forms of literature and storytelling. In fairy tale books, the main characters overcome their own obstacles in the face of true love. This is also true of several ballads, folklore, fables, and short stories. The short stories â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† by O. Henry, â€Å"The Necklace† by Guy de Maupassant, and â€Å" Rules of the Game† by Amy Tan, are about the main characters going through hard times of their own and†¦show more content†¦And now suppose you put the chops on.’† However, Della no longer had her long hair and therefore had no use for hair combs. This proves how Jim and Della both love eachother so much that they would give up their prized possessions to get the other a present for Christmas day. Since love had taken control of their money problems, they both see how strong they both feel for eachother. Furthermore, the short story â€Å"The Necklace† also portrays the theme of love overpowering all. The main character, Madame Loisel, finds herself getting caught up in looking stunning for the party that her husband did everything he could to get in which to get invited.. Although, Madame and Monsieur Loisel weren’t poor, Monsieur Loisel bought his wife everything she wanted to look her absolute best at the party, because she had said they she wouldn’t go looking underrated. In speaking to his wife, Monsieur Loisel states, â€Å" All right. I’ll give you four hundred francs.† Even though Monsieur Loisels wife is being needy and manipulating her husband to get her new attire that is expensive, he still wants her to to be happy and gives in to her.. Monsieur loves his wife so much that he had spent his money on all the things that would make her feel good about herself, even if he didn’t think he should be spending that much money. In addition, at the end of the party, Madame Loisel loses the diamond necklace she had borrowed from aShow MoreRelatedShort Story on Love Relationship Essay1205 Words   |  5 PagesI can spot his mistake. Previously, he would confess to being wrong before anyone could tell. Now she is making him so happy he forgets to notice his own faults. She shows him the features she loves, and he must believe her, because he loves her more than he could ever hate himself. So now he is happy, he is loved. He no longer dwells on what hes done, but rather what he does. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cultural Diversity and Health Traditions Essay - 1628 Words

Today when people move across continents with the help of technology their culture and heritage moves along with them. Almost each and every continent is populated with people from different nations who have diverse traditions and cultures. Thus knowledge of health traditions and culture plays a vital role in nursing. People from different cultures have a unique view on health and illness. Culture-specific care is a vital skill to the modern nurse, as the United States continues to consist of many immigrants who have become assimilated into one culture. I interviewed three families of different cultures: - Indian (my culture), Hispanic and Chinese. Let us see the differences in health traditions between these cultures. Common Health†¦show more content†¦Homeopathic medicine act by stimulating the bodys own defense mechanism and healing powers. They do not have any chemical action, so they do not have the potential to cause any sustained damage The Siddha medicine is a form of south Indian Tamil traditional medicine . Siddha Medicine’ means medicine that is perfect. . Siddha Medicine revitalizes and rejuvenates the organs, the dysfunction of which is causing the disease. This brings back normal functioning of the organs. The word yoga is Sanskrit (one of the ancient languages of the East). It means to yoke, or unite, the mind, body, and spirit. Although yoga includes physical exercise, it is also a lifestyle practice for which exercise is just one component. Training your mind, body, and breath, as well as connecting with your spirituality, are the main goals of the yoga lifestyle. Comparing the Differences in Health Traditions Unity in Diversity has been the distinctive feature of Indian culture. Whatever health traditions people follow, they are very strict on their eating habits. They eat more healthy foods and include more vegetables in the daily servings. Also for maintaining health they spend some time for exercise. For protecting health, people use various methods like rituals for self protection, superstitions, oils or water (Holy water) and specific dietary taboos that must adhered to, for example, after child birth women will have some restrictions onShow MoreRelatedHeritage1432 Words   |  6 PagesAssessment: Linking Heritage to Health Tricia Wharton Grand Canyon University: 429V August 23rd 2015 Heritage Assessment: Assessing Culture and Health The care needs of patients continue to change, as the United States population becomes more diverse. Nurses will be required to be more knowledgeable and respectful of the differences in cultural and religious beliefs as this diversity continues. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Discussion on Hypotheses

Question: Discuss about the Hypothesis. Answer: 1.1 Discussion on Hypotheses Discussing on hypothesis one The first hypothesis was Nepal coffee market does not holds the possibility to become the leading sector of Nepalese economy. The data gathered in this research shows that most of the respondents are agreeing with the fact that Nepalese coffee production can be improved by communicating with the farmers (Dahal et al. 2016). The knowledge of the farmers are very low and therefore, the respondents think that an effective training and development process should be incorporated for improving the overall process. Apart from that, Nepalese government has not taken the measures for improving production quality of organic coffee. Therefore, it can be said that the first hypothesis is not supportive (Mohan 2016). On the other hand, the literature review conducted in this study shows that environment of Nepal is the most suitable for coffee production. Therefore, the country can improve their coffee production to the extent in which the government can expand the business in international coffe e market as well. Discussion on hypothesis two The second hypothesis shows that Nepal coffee market is a growing industry and has huge opportunity to expand in domestic and global market. The researcher has identified many supportive arguments on this hypothesis from the primary and secondary data collection process. The respondents in this research have shows a keen interest in Nepalese coffee market. The consumers are willing to consume organic coffee in order to maintain health quality and therefore, it can be said that this hypothesis is appropriate. On the other hand, the literature review shows that Nepalese farmers are lagging in terms of knowledge and expertise, which is affecting the production quality and quantity of coffee (Poudel et al. 2015). Therefore, implementing efficient training process for the farmers can improve the overall quality of coffee production of Nepal. Apart from that, the primary data shows that government of Nepal needs to implement efficient policies in order to improve production and demand of o rganic coffee. 1.2 Discussion on literature and research result Discussion on question 1 After completing this survey process, the researcher has identified that most of the respondents agreed that Nepalese organic coffee market could compete in international market. Total 47% of the respondents have extremely agreed with the given statement. On the other hand, another 47% population moderately agreed with the given statement. From the literature review, it can be observed that government of Nepal is rethinking for improving the coffee production for capitalizing the growing demand of coffee in international market. This survey process shows that none of the respondents has opposed this statement. As per the literature review, the demand of healthy food is increasing in global market (Acharya et al. 2015). Therefore, it can be said that Nepal can expand their coffee business in international market by improving product quality. Apart from that, the country needs to focus on promotion and marketing of organic coffee in international market. Discussion on question 2 After accomplishing this data collection process, the researcher has identified that Nepalese coffee industry should consider certain aspects such as supply, quality, price and promotion. Most of the respondents have stated that Nepal should improve the above-mentioned aspects in order to expand in international market. Moreover, the coffee production industry can improve their business activities in domestic market for fulfilling the increasing demand of organic coffee. The coffee production organizations of should promote importance of organic coffee in order to increase market demand (Sharma et al. 2015). In order to improve the product quality, the Nepalese coffee industry should provide training to the farmers regarding innovative equipments. The literature review conducted in this research shows that Nepalese government needs to take proactive approach for improving production quality of organic coffee. Discussion on question 3 This survey session shows that government of Nepal should consider different aspects such as communication with the farmers and improvement in training process. Most of the respondents of this survey session have stated that government of Nepal should increase communication with the farmers for increasing awareness regarding how production of organic coffee can improve financial background (Pandit, Panta and Karki 2015). Apart from that, the respondents have also stated that government should implement training process for increasing efficiency of the farmers. According to the literature review, this process can improve quality of the product and therefore, expanding in international market will be easy for the country. Discussion on question 4 This survey process emphasizes that government and non-government organizations should play their roles for improving production of organic coffee in Nepal. Most of the respondents in this survey session have chosen extremely important as the correct answer. The literature review conducted in this study shows that government of Nepal does not taken any active approach for improving the production and supply of coffee. Therefore, it can be said that government of Nepal needs to increase awareness among the farmers for encouraging high amount of organic coffee production (Dahal et al. 2016). In order to develop the organic coffee production, government needs to empower the knowledge of the farmers by providing high efficient equipments. Discussion on question 5 In this survey session, the researcher has investigated the perception of the consumers regarding organic coffee. From this data collection process, the researcher has identified that people in Nepal would recommend others to consume organic coffee for betterment of their health (Mohan 2016). Therefore, it can be said that demand of organic coffee is rapidly increasing in Nepal market. According to the literature review, it can be said that demand of healthy food has increased in global market. Therefore, people prefer organic coffee rather than low quality coffee. In this survey process, 94.12% respondents have recommended others for consuming organic coffee. Discussion on question 6 This survey session helps the researcher to investigate the demand of coffee in Nepal market. During this investigation process, the researcher has identified that 64.71% respondents consume coffee on daily basis. Therefore, it can b e said that Nepal organic coffee sector has huge opportunity to improve business performance in domestic market. Apart from that, 17.65% respondent has stated that they consume coffee weekly basis. Therefore, Nepal coffee production industry has huge opportunity to influence consumers to consume more coffee, which can increase business performance in an effective manner (Poudel et al. 2015). The literature review conducted in this research shows that consumers are willing to consume healthy food in order to reduce health related issues. On the other hand, organic coffee is less harmful and therefore, demand of organic coffee is remarkably high. Discussion on question 7 In this study, the researcher has investigated the impact of organic products in the market. In this survey session, the researcher has conducted survey process with 17 respondents and most of the respondents have suggested that organic products have huge impact on the market condition of a country (Acharya et al. 2015). Therefore, organic coffee can influence the consumers to avail more products, which actually can increase product demand in domestic market. Moreover, improving quality of organic coffee can affect the economy of the country positively. Discussion on question 8 There is several coffee brands are producing coffee in Nepal market. This survey has conducted for identifying the most reputed coffee brand of Nepal market. Most of the respondents of this survey have selected Himalayan Java Coffee as the most reputed coffee brand of the country. Some of the respondents have selected the last option while responding to this question. Therefore, it can be said that in order to improve coffee production and demand in Nepal market, the government should increase awareness regarding organic coffee. Discussion on question 9 This survey process shows that most of the respondents think that organic coffee is good for health and therefore, people are willing to consume organic coffee. Some of the respondents have stated that flavor of organic coffee is distinct, which influence to consume this product. According to the literature review, the demand of organic coffee can be improved by promoting goodness of the product (Sharma et al. 2015). Moreover, the government should take proactive approach for improving quality of the equipments used in coffee production. Discussion on question 10 In this survey session, the researcher has investigated for the perspective of consumers regarding organic coffee. In this session, the researcher has recorded 4 respondents in which one respondent has suggested to promote organic coffee in local market. Another respondent has suggested that promoting organic coffee in global market will be the best approach. Considering these two responses, the researcher has provided suitable recommendations to the Nepal coffee industry to expand in global market. 1.3 Recommendations In order to improve quality of organic coffee both government and non-government companies should communicate with the farmers of Nepal. In this manner, it will be possible to understand the potential issues faced by the farmers while producing organic coffee. Moreover, government needs to implement efficient training process for increasing knowledge of the farmers. Incorporating innovative equipments would also improve quality of organic coffee in Nepal market. Moreover, the coffee producing organizations should promote their product in international market for improving economy of the country. 2.1 Conclusion and future work Conclusion After conducting this study, it can be said that demand of organic coffee is rapidly increasing in Nepal. The government has taken a proactive approach for promoting organic coffee in international market in order to improve economy of the country. Apart from that, Nepal has high opportunity to improve production quality of organic coffee. The buying behavior of consumers is changing rapidly and therefore, consumption of healthy food is increasing remarkably. Therefore, this research emphasized that government of Nepal should communicate with the farmers for increasing their knowledge in organic coffee production. Future work In this research, the researcher has investigated a vast literature review regarding organic coffee production of Nepal. The future researcher can use this study paper as secondary data while conducting research in same research topic. Apart from that, the researcher has conducted survey session with the selective respondents in order to gather viewpoint regarding organic coffee. Therefore, the future researcher can gather huge knowledge by going through this research paper. This research paper will reduce time and budget constraint for the future research, as the future researcher would be able to gather efficient knowledge without investigating vast range of journal articles. Reference list Kumar, N., 2016. Research methodology. InChronic Regulatory Focus and Financial Decision-Making(pp. 31-38). Springer Singapore Mohan, S., 2016. Institutional Change in Value Chains: Evidence from Tea in Nepal.World Development,78, pp.52-65. Mokhtarian, P.L. and van Herick, D., 2016. Viewpoint: Quantifying residential self-selection effects: A review of methods and findings from applications of propensity score and sample selection approaches.Journal of Transport and Land Use,9(1) Pandit, P., Panta, O.P. and Karki, T.B., 2015. Isolation of Aspergillus ochraceus and Production of Ochratoxin in Coffee Samples.Nepal Journal of Science and Technology,15(1), pp.133-138. Poudel, K.L., Johnson, T.G., Yamamoto, N., Gautam, S. and Mishra, B., 2015. Comparing technical efficiency of organic and conventional coffee farms in rural hill region of Nepal using data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach.Organic Agriculture,5(4), pp.263-275. Sharma, G., Pandit, R., White, B. and Polyakov, M., 2015.The Income Diversification Strategies of Smallholder Coffee Producers in Nepal(No. 207693).

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Teenage Humor Essay Example For Students

Teenage Humor Essay Teenage humour is unlike adult humour. Teenagers laugh at Toilet humour while adults laugh at Civilized humour. Therefore considering that teenagers laugh at the opposite of what adults do, we need to define the reasons why teenage and adult humour is so different. I believe that teenage humour is sex oriented. I took a survey of ten teenagers to see what they believed was humorous. Trisha Lindsay believes that embarrassing moments are hilarious. Dustin Lockhart, Nadia Korfitsen, David Webster, Rick Fawcus, Kristi Webster, and myself believe that sex or sexual suggestions are humorous. Renita Manj and Ashlee Green believe that people who act idiotically or hurt themselves on a regular basis are hilarious. I believe that from this survey I have proved to you that most teenagers believe that sexual suggestions are the most funny in our generation. We will write a custom essay on Teenage Humor specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The television programs that most teenagers watch are The Simpsons, Friends, and That 70s show. The Simpsons is a program that is aired on Fox and it is a cartoon. The Simpsons is about a middle-aged man named Homer. He is a dumb-founded idiot that works at a nuclear power plant. We laugh at him because he makes so many mistakes even if they are the easiest task. Bart is a ten year old kid who gets into trouble more then once a day. He gets into trouble at school and even when he is walking down the street to go home. He is like an average ten year old kid that likes to get into mischief. Bart is just a trouble maker that doesnt know when to behave himself. His sister Lisa is a straight A student that is on the Honour Roll, and plays the saxophone in the school Band. Every little girl would like to be Lisa because she is very mature for an eight year old. Marge is the mother of both Bart and Lisa. She is a homemaker and isnt very funny. Bart and Homer are the prime targets for funnin ess in this series. That 70s show is the second example of a television show that teenagers find amusing. Adults find this amusing as well because they can relate to the subject. This show is about the 70s obviously. It is how our parents use to be. I believe this is one reason why teenagers find this television show amusing. The cast of the 70s show involves Kitty and Red who are Erics parents. Donna is Erics girlfriend, and Fez is a foreign student which is hilarious because he cant even speak properly. The clothes and the hair explain it all. When we look back on our parents we see bell-bottom pants, and disco days. I believe that we laugh at this because it was how our parents once were. The other television program that I chose is Friends. Phoebe is a masseuse who is really dense and nave. Joey is a struggling, Italian actor who believes that one day he will make the big times because he is good looking. He hits on every female that passes him by. Ross is a palaeontologist who was once married to Lesbian who gave birth to his son. Rachel works at Ralph Lauren and she is a prissy girl who gets lots of mens attention. Monica is a chef who is a neat freak. She is married to Chandler the computer wiz. Chandlers dad is a drag queen who works in Las Vegas. Chandlers mom writes very sexual romance novels. This show is funny because you wouldnt think that these people could be such good friends. I chose magazines, another example to show what teenagers laugh at. Usually in magazines, ithas people write in and share their most embarrassing moments. I chose this article because it is about sex and teenagers laugh at this kind of humour. .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .postImageUrl , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:hover , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:visited , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:active { border:0!important; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:active , .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5e0df02a8e5a63db6c618ed78677ebf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Michael Jackson EssayBurglar-alarm bootyMy sweetie and I were getting busy when my guy reached for the handcuffs. I kept them in my night table for such occasion. He had me attached to my headboard, naked as a jaybird, when we heard a loud crash in the next room. A burglar, thinking that nobody was home, had broken in through the window and my boyfriend leaped out of bed to chase him away, we have a security system, so the cops were there in no time. I guess the commotion made my guy forget what we were doing because the cops all came into my room, where I was still locked in my queen-size prison, shrieking at him to let me out. I believe that this is funny because many people now-a-days are or about to have sex. If this was to ever happen to us we would be embarrassed at first but we would think that it would be hilarious afterwards. Teenagers laugh at sex. It is the prime topic in my essay. I also took a survey of six adults. Debbie Fawcus, Eric Fawcus, Nevel Fawcus, Dorothy Osborne, and Harvey Osborne believe that politics are humorous. When Monica Lewinsky and the President had an affair, everyone thought that it was funny. This is sex-oriented in a parental sort-of-way. Adults humour grows from when they are little to how they are now. Everybody laughs at things that are oriented into our lifestyle. Adults laugh at things that are oriented into their lifestyles. Adults are born in the 50s and 60s while we were born in the 80s. Things change. The clothes, the hair, and the makeup that we wear, are all oriented into our lifestyle. We all have our own lifestyles and that is what makes each of us have own comedy. Some people may see things that are incredibly funny to them but may not be funny to the viewers. Adults have their own style and teenagers have theirs. I believed that I have proved that teenage humour is sex orientated by every aspect; magazines, surveys, and opinions.